Jessica Macasaet-Bondy
Activate Transit Windsor Essex (ATWE) | Windsor, Ontario
Jessica is an entrepreneur and community advocate in Windsor. Most recently, she and her partner launched a small urban flower farm focusing on regenerative agriculture practices. She is a member of the Windsor Bicycling Committee and oversees food services at the Welcome Centre Shelter for Women and Families. In 2020, she successfully advocated to restore transit after Windsor was the only city in Canada to suspend service. She is currently working on developing a citizen-led and grassroots transit advocacy organization in Windsor Essex.

About the Project
Activate Transit Windsor Essex (ATWE) is a grassroots organization advocating for the use and advancement of an interconnected public transit system in Windsor Essex. By organizing meetings, focus groups, and online methods of citizen participation, we will create democratic space for citizen-led conversation about the future of public transit and mobility in the region. By creating an engaging web presence, organizing social media campaigns, and publishing responses or propositions for policy, we will create a medium for amplifying the voices of citizens, especially those who have been systematically disadvantaged and underrepresented in the past.